Access, opening hours and services


Mineral & Gem is open to professional visitors from Wednesday, June 25 to Sunday, June 29, 2025. Access to the event on Wednesday 25 is only granted to visitors with a PRO Early Access pass.

The event is open to the general public on Saturday 28 and Sunday 29 June.

From Wednesday to Sunday, the show is open from 9 AM to 6 PM.

The last tickets are sold at the ticket desks one hour before closing time.

Opening hours:

9am to 6pm, every day.

Ticket sales:
  • Tickets are available in presale and on site, at the same prices.

  • For Wednesday June 25, a PASS PRO Early Access is required and is the only valid admission ticket.

  • On site, the last ticket sale takes place one hour before the daily closing time.

  • On Sunday, after 1 PM, the reduced rate will be applied to all tickets sold on site.

Mineral & Gem à Sainte-Marie-aux-Mines ( Mineral & Gem Show) - événement de minéralogie et gemmologie - Alsace France
Mineral & Gem à Sainte-Marie-aux-Mines ( Mineral & Gem Show) - événement de minéralogie et gemmologie - Alsace France

Access and Parking

Getting to Mineral & Gem

By car

From Mulhouse or Strasbourg, take highway A35, leave it at exit 17, then take road RN59 to Sainte-Marie-aux-Mines.

From Nancy or Saint-Dié, take road RN59 and take the Sainte-Marie-aux-Mines pass or go through the Maurice Lemaire Tunnel (toll applies).

By car, Sainte-Marie-aux-Mines is: 

– 1h from Freiburg (D)

– 1h10 from Basel (CH)

– 2h30 from Luxembourg (L)

– 4h00 from Lyon (FR)

– 4h30 from Paris (FR)

– 4h30 from Milan (IT)

– 4h30 from Brussels (BE)

By public transportation

By bus, take a TER bus from Sélestat or Saint-Dié-des-Vosges: see the timetables here. The Super U and Café de la Marne stops will be the only bus stops available during the event.

By train + bus: reach Sélestat station or Saint-Dié-des-Vosges station, then take the TER bus from the train station.

By plane, via the international airports of Basel-Mulhouse-Freiburg (1h15), Strasbourg (1h) or Karlsruhe/Baden-Baden (1h30).

Mineral & Gem à Sainte-Marie-aux-Mines ( Mineral & Gem Show) - événement de minéralogie et gemmologie - Alsace France


The official parking lots of the event, open from 8 AM to 7 PM, have 5,000 parking spaces in total. A parking fee of €5 per vehicle and €10 for campers and vehicles with a trailer applies. Follow the arrows when you reach Sainte-Marie-aux-Mines.

Parking lots in the lower part of town are served by shuttles that take visitors to the town center, to Place Keufer. From the parking lots in the higher part of town, you can reach the Zone MINERAL on foot (a 5 to 15 minutes walk depending on where you are parked). Check the interactive map  or the parking map to efficiently locate the parking lots.

Campers may park on the PM and PEg parkings lot for €10 during daytime. Overnight stay is not allowed.



Zone MINERAL: central roundabout.

Zone GEM: Salle Prestige.


There are several food stalls within the event which offer a variety of foods: hot and cold dishes, snacks and drinks. Check the interactive map to locate them.


There are 2 aid stations on site, the Red Cross and the FFSS (French first aid federation): 

Zone MINERAL: in Pavillon Osmont (Zone PO, close to entrance 4)

Zone GEM: outside, on the Place des Tisserands, at the right of Salle Prestige (SP)

If you need help, all members of the organizing team can assist you.

Mineral & Gem à Sainte-Marie-aux-Mines ( Mineral & Gem Show) - événement de minéralogie et gemmologie - Alsace France


There is daycare for 2- to 12-year-old children (free, subject to availability) from Wednesday to Sunday.

Please provide lunch. A complementary snack is included.

Opening times: 9 AM-6 PM.


There are no ATMs within the event, but you can get cash from 5 locations (banks) in Sainte-Marie-aux-Mines. Check out the interactive map to locate them. To save time and to avoid the queue at the ATMs, we recommend you come with cash on you.


  • Dedicated toilets and parking spaces are available to disabled visitors.

  • Accessible locations are indicated.

  • Wheelchairs can be loaned.


  • Dogs must be on a leash or carried to be allowed inside.

  • The admittance of watchdogs and defense dogs will be left at the discretion of the security officers.


A loading area (Zone de Chargement or ZC on the map) is accessible to light vehicles in Zone MINERAL (close to entrance 1) to load bulky purchases.

  • Rate: €10/hour.
  • Deposit: €100.

There is no luggage storage inside the event.

To send your purchases by carrier, a logistics area is operated by our partners Alpha Cargo  and Heppner.

The logistics area is outside the event, in Zone MINERAL, next to entrance 3, in front of the number 15 of Rue Kroeber Imlin.

Mineral & Gem à Sainte-Marie-aux-Mines ( Mineral & Gem Show) - événement de minéralogie et gemmologie - Alsace France
Mineral & Gem à Sainte-Marie-aux-Mines ( Mineral & Gem Show) - événement de minéralogie et gemmologie - Alsace France


  • Bikes, skateboards and electric scooters are forbidden.

  • Your admission bracelet must be worn on your wrist.

  • Exhibitor badges must be worn.

  • Bags are controlled at the entrance.

  • The police and customs may perform random controls.


The shop is at the center of Zone MINERAL, in front of the Theater, on the roundabout (information desk). You can buy goodies, wearables, souvenirs and gifts. An online shop is available.


If you lost or found an item, head to the exhibitors desk of the concerned area: CE courtyard in Zone MINERAL (entrance to the Prestige Exhibition) and SP room in Zone GEM. If you are no longer at the event, contact us!


June is particularly hot, so fresh water fountains are available for free on both Zones to fill your reusable bottles and cups. Locate them on the map.


Maps and a guide with all the information related to the event are available for free at the entrance to the event and at the information desks.

Mineral & Gem à Sainte-Marie-aux-Mines ( Mineral & Gem Show) - événement de minéralogie et gemmologie - Alsace France


For the sake of eco-responsibility, please sort your waste. Containers will be available for recycling. Thank you for your cooperation.